Putting together a great website is just the beginning. If you want your website to really turn into a lucrative endeavor, creating one is just the first step. There’s a lot of other things you should do and steps you should take to ensure your efforts turn into profits and customer satisfaction. With the right tools, you can optimize your site, track progress, and develop loyal relationships with your clients.
To get started, check out this list of 6 tools that will take your website to the next level and make the overall process much easier.
When you think of building a website, the pages themselves and the images on them are probably the first thing that comes to mind. Your domain name might even be a bit of an afterthought. Your domain name is incredibly important, however. Not only will you need it at the earliest stage of your website development, but it’s also the first connection your clients will have with your brand. So it’s important to choose your domain name carefully. Who.is lets you check to see if the domain name you want is available. It also provides extra options if it is not.
Google Analytics
At this point, Google Analytics likely doesn’t need an introduction. It has become such a popular tool for website owners over the years, letting you analyze website traffic, visitors’ behavior, demographic information and physical location. This tool will even let you track the exact time users spend on each web page, which devices they were using, and much more. The customized reports you receive contain data relevant to your business that will help your business create the best experience possible.
So much about reaching customers today involves social media. Awario is an incredibly useful tool that allows you to easily track brand mentions. Since Google ranks sites based on how notable they are, the information Awario provides is helpful in seeing how often people mention your brand and in what context. It’s also incredibly helpful in terms of reputation management, since it allows you to see what people are saying about your brand.
Of course, there are many, many more tools out there today that can help in running a profitable website and building your brand. These are just a few top tools to get you started. The tools you choose to use will likely change along the way as consumer preferences and trends shift. The key is to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and what your target audience is looking for.
Content crafter Alex Wilmont has been active in the payments industry for over 15 years. He lives simply, gives generously and loves his 2 dogs. His mission is to enhance and innovate the fintech industry for years to come.